Nightbane Did Not Drop Mount

Updated: 2 years ago
Article ID: 65810

Common Problems

  • No mount after Nightbane kill

The Smoldering Ember Wyrm mounts drop chance is 20% multiplied by the number of players who are eligible for loot, including players who have already received the mount. The mount will only drop for one player and only in Mythic difficulty.

For example:

  • Five players who aren't loot locked = 100% chance for the mount to drop
  • Four players who aren't loot locked and have the mount, plus one player who isn't loot locked without the mount = 100% chance the player without the mount gets the drop
  • Three players who aren't loot locked, plus two players who are loot locked = 60% chance for the mount to drop

Note: The mount will only drop for a player if they haven't already received it.